Hydrogen Technologies Laboratory

Facility/equipment: Facility

Equipments Details


TECNALIA has a Hydrogen Technologies Laboratory where development and testing activities related to hydrogen technologies are performed. This includes:

1) Green hydrogen production by electrolysis technologies: TECNALIA has the capabilities to perform electrochemical characterization of materials, electrodes and membranes; a multicell test rig for testing MEAs and test rigs for testing stacks up to 2 kW for AEM, PEM, AEL and SOEC water electrolysis. In addition, TECNALIA is commissioning a flexible test bench for stack testing up to 50 kW for AEM/PEM/AEL water electrolysis.

2) Hydrogen transport, storage and distribution: this lab includes autoclaves for performing mechanical tests of metallic materials in the presence of hydrogen up to 300 bar (e.g. for pipelines, tanks), autoclave for testing salt interaction with hydrogen up to 250 bar (salt cavern application) and hydrogen permeability test rig for different materials.

3) Hydrogen safety: TECNALIA has a specific test rig for characterizing sensors for hydrogen leakage detection.

Hydrogen, electrolyzers, distribution, storage, safety, sensors


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