Personal profile
Computer Engineer in 1999 from the University of Deusto. SCJP Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer certified by Oracle in 2010 Since 2000 he works as a researcher at TECNALIA, currently collaborating in the eServices business area. He graduated in Computer Engineering in 1999 from the University of Deusto. SCJP Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer certified by Oracle in 2010 Since 2000 he has been working as a researcher at TECNALIA, currently collaborating in the eServices business area. He is currently involved in data space technologies in the GAIA-X environment in the connectors part (DSC and EDC). Alejandro has experience in the fields of Analysis, Design and Programming, with server technologies such as Java, relational databases, application servers, web technologies and applications for mobile platforms with Android, developing apps on APIS related to acoustics, artificial intelligence, such as TensorFlowLite, RFID/NFC sensors, BluetoothLE and APIS for advanced and customised management of drone operations with the DJI Movile SDK platform. He has also participated in several European projects with themes based on Open Data in SmartCities, such as IESCities, WeLive and Urbanite.