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Research activity per year

Personal profile


Fernando Morente is an Industrial Engineer from the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV-EHU), Master in Marketing from the Faculty of Business Sciences of Sarriko (UPV-EHU) and Expert in Business Management and Technology from the Deusto Business School - University of Deusto. He is a specialist in advanced modelling of fire safety in buildings and infrastructures. He has participated in and led numerous national and European research projects and is a member and Spanish representative in different scientific-technical committees and platforms such as the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork - Technical Committee 3 Fire Safety of Steel Structures (ECCS-TC3), the Spanish Technological Platform for Industrial Safety (PESI), the Spanish Association of Tunnels and Underground Works (AETOS), the International Conference Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, the SECURE with Steel European Network, the Draft Project Proposal - Rules on Robustness in the Eurocodes, the CEN/TC 250/SC 3 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures, the AEN/CTN 140 EUROCODES STRUCTURAL - SC 3 Steel structures, the AEN/CTN 140 EUROCODES STRUCTURAL - GT6 Robustness or the Spanish Technological Platform for Construction - Strategic line: Safety and Health.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities


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