Personal profile


Inés Díez Ortiz graduated with a degree in Chemistry in 2020 and completed a Master’s degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in 2021. In November 2022, she joined Tecnalia Research & Innovation as a junior researcher in the Department of construction Lab services.

Since then she is a researcher in construction material combining scientific and innovation, contributing to the development of sustainable and efficient solutions that connect environmental science and construction technologies. She is currently working on EU funded projects as well as local call projects.

In RECONMATIC (EU funded project) she is WP 5 leader and member of the steering committee. Her research focuses on pre-demolition audits, particularly their development and automation, with the goal of improving current practices in the construction sector.

Ines has participated in international events in Europe and Asia as well as being part of the review team of several European guides related to construction and demolition.