A comparative study of the feasibility of cellular MAX phase preforms formation by microwave-assisted SHS and SPS techniques

Anna Dmitruk, M.A. Lagos, Krzysztof Naplocha, Pedro Egizabal

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Two methods were evaluated in terms of manufacturing of MAX phase preforms characterized with open porosity: microwaveassisted self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and spark plasma sintering (SPS). The main purpose of fabrication of such open-porous preforms is that they can be successfully applied as a reinforcement in metal matrix composite (MMC) materials. In order to simulate the most similar conditions to microwave-assisted SHS, the sintering time of SPS was significantly reduced and the pressure was maintained at a minimum value. The chosen approach allows these two methods to be compared in terms of structure homogeneity, complete reactive charge conversion and energy effectivity. Study was performed in Ti-Al-C system, in which the samples were compacted from elemental powders of Ti, Al, C in molar ratio of 2:1:1. Manufactured materials after syntheses were subjected to SEM, XRD and STEM analyses in order to investigate their microstructures and chemical compositions. As was concluded, only microwave-assisted SHS synthesis allows the creation of MAX phases in the studied system. SPS technique led only to the formation of intermetallic secondary phases. The fabrication of MAX phases’ foams by microwave-assisted SHS presents some interesting advantages compared to conventional manufacturing methods. This work presents the characterization of foams obtained by microwave-assisted SHS comparing the results with materials produced by SPS. The analysis of SPS products for different sintering temperatures provided the better insight into the synthesis of MAX phases, supporting the established mechanism. Dissimilarities in the heating mechanisms that lead to the differing synthesis products were also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)575-582
Number of pages8
JournalArchives of Metallurgy and Materials
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


  • MAX phases
  • SHS synthesis
  • Microwave
  • SPS
  • Porous preforms

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • The SPS trials and XRD analysis were carried out with support of the KMM-VIN Research Fellowship, 01-30.11.2017


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