A Critical Review of Robustness in Power Grids using Complex Networks Concepts

Lucas Cuadra, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Javier Del Ser, Silvia Jimenez-Fernandez, Zong-Woo Geem

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This paper reviews the most relevant works that have investigated robustness in power grids using Complex Networks (CN) concepts. In this broad field there are two different approaches. The first one is based solely on topological concepts, and uses metrics such as mean path length, clustering coefficient, efficiency and betweenness centrality, among many others. The second, hybrid approach consists of introducing (into the CN framework) some concepts from Electrical Engineering (EE) in the effort of enhancing the topological approach, and uses novel, more efficient electrical metrics such as electrical betweenness, net-ability, and others. There is however a controversy about whether these approaches are able to provide insights into all aspects of real power grids. The CN community argues that the topological approach does not aim to focus on the detailed operation, but to discover the unexpected emergence of collective behavior, while part of the EE community asserts that this leads to an excessive simplification. Beyond this open debate it seems to be no predominant structure (scale-free, small-world) in high-voltage transmission power grids, the vast majority of power grids studied so far. Most of them have in common that they are vulnerable to targeted attacks on the most connected nodes and robust to random failure. In this respect there are only a few works that propose strategies to improve robustness such as intentional islanding, restricted link addition, microgrids and smart grids, for which novel studies suggest that small-world networks seem to be the best topology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9211-9265
Number of pages55
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • robustness
  • power grid
  • complex networks
  • Complex network

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • This work has been partially supported by the project TIN2014-54583-C2-2-R from the Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT), by the project S2013/ICE-2933 from Comunidad de Madrid and by the project FUTURE GRIDS-2020 from the Basque Government.


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