A knowledge-based collaborative platform for PSS design and production

Farouk Belkadi*, Nikoletta Boli, Luis Usatorre, Elaheh Maleki, Kosmas Alexopoulos, Alain Bernard, Dimitris Mourtzis

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Citations (Scopus)


By adopting PSS paradigm (Product–Service System), companies are growing to new business fields that require hard changes in the industrial practices. PSS realizes smart integration of physical, cyber and organizational elements to deliver added value to the customer, through a long-term relationship and solution-centered offers. This complexity makes the management of whole PSS lifecycle challenging. The paper presents a new development aided tool, part of the ICP4Life European platform, as an innovative answer to this challenge. Designed as a collaborative knowledge-based solution, the platform originality is to support all PSS design, production and usage planning of industrial PSS, at both methodological and technical aspects. The main idea is to encapsulate a collection of potential verified solutions as knowledge fragment, able to achieve a product–service with certain performance value with regard to a set of requirements. This knowledge asset is then used to support collaboratively the stakeholders by several innovative functionalities along the PSS development project.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)220-231
Number of pages12
JournalCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


  • Designer
  • ICP4Life
  • PSS development
  • PSS lifecycle
  • Planner


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