Adaptive fixturing system for the smart and flexible positioning of large volume workpieces in the wind-power sector

Edurne Olaiz*, Juanjo Zulaika, Fernando Veiga, Mildred Puerto, Ainhoa Gorrotxategi

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


Quality and productivity in a manufacturing process depend considerably on the toolkits used, whose basic functions are to position the component into a right position relative to the cutting tool and to hold the component tightly to avoid displacements during the machining. In this document the design of a smart and adaptive fixture is presented for the accurate positioning of a planet carrier with very strict requirements of tolerances and for an intelligent adjustment during the machining process when required. This device will allow the manufacturer reducing the manual inspections, automatizing the adjustment tasks and improving the machining process setup time, increasing consequently the productivity and achieving the required accuracy and the required geometrical quality of the part. The development of the intelligent fixturing will be focused mainly in the conception of a high precision actuator capable of moving the large part with the required tolerance. Moreover, a testbench has been developed that will allow validating the actuator, assuring therefore its applicability in the future industrialization of the fixture device.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)183-188
Number of pages6
JournalProcedia CIRP
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event24th CIRP Design Conference 2014: Mass Customization and Personalization - Milano, Italy
Duration: 14 Apr 201416 Apr 2014


  • Electromechanical actuator
  • Fixture design
  • Flexible positioning
  • Smart control


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