Aluminium Foam and Magnesium Compound Casting Produced by High-Pressure Die Casting

Iban Vicario, Ignacio Crespo, L.M. Plaza, Patricia Caballero, Ion Kepa Idoiaga

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Nowadays, fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions are two of the main focal points in vehicle design, promoting the reduction in the weight of vehicles by using lighter materials. The aim of the work is to evaluate the influence of different aluminium foams and injection parameters in order to obtain compound castings with a compromise between the obtained properties and weight by high-pressure die cast (HPDC) using aluminium foams as cores into a magnesium cast part. To evaluate the influence of the different aluminium foams and injection parameters on the final casting products quality, the type and density of the aluminium foam, metal temperature, plunger speed, and multiplication pressure have been varied within a range of suitable values. The obtained compound HPDC castings have been studied by performing visual and RX inspections, obtaining sound composite castings with aluminium foam cores. The presence of an external continuous layer on the foam surface and the correct placement of the foam to support injection conditions permit obtaining good quality parts. A HPDC processed magnesium-aluminium foam composite has been developed for a bicycle application obtaining a suitable combination of mechanical properties and, especially, a reduced weight in the demonstration part.
Original languageEnglish
Article number24
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2016


  • high pressure die casting (HPDC)
  • hybrid magnesium aluminium foam cast composite
  • aluminium foam core
  • magnesium cast composite

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • Spanish government through the project CDTI: MAGNO CENIT project CEN-20081028


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