Analysis and comparative study of factors affecting quality in the hemming of 6016T4AA performed by means of electromagnetic forming and process characterization

P. Jimbert, I. Eguia, I. Perez, M.A. Gutierrez, I. Hurtado

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Hemming is commonly one of the last operations for stamped parts. For this reason it is of critical importance on the performance and perceived quality of assembled vehicles. However, designing the hemmed unión is a complicated task and is deeply influenced by the mechanical properties of the materail of the bent part. Significant problems can arise in this operation when bending aluminum alloys, because cracks can appera due to the localized strain during hemming as a result of the low ductility of automotive aluminum alloys. This paper presents the devlopment of the lectromagnetic forming (EMF) technology for auto body-in-white parts hemming. A relatively simple experimental procedure to perform a hemming operation based on th eprinciple of EMF is presented in order to compare the variation in the quality parameters of a hemmed joint. The achieved results are compared with the corrresponding geometry hemmed utilizing the conventional process. At the same time, the study is completed with the development of a new simulation method for the EMF technology. The results obtained during this study prove the capability of the EMF to obatin quality hem unions simplifying the complicated conventional hemming operation. In this study a loose coupling EMF hemming simulation method has been developed using Maxwell 3D to solve the electromagnetic field computation and Abaqus to solve the mechanical computation. Thsi simulation method shows good agreement with the physiscal experiments. Finally, the EMF hemming process is characterized by analyzing the influence of main input parameters on the quality output parameters.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)916-924
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Materials Processing Technology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2011


  • Hemming
  • Electromagnetic forming
  • Aluminum


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