Architectures and concepts for smart decentralised energy systems

Andrei Z. Morch, Chris Caerts, Anna Mutule, Julia Merino

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The idea of creation of more decentralized power system has been circulating for a while, but started to materialise only during the recent years, when massive introduction of support schemes for RES has started to move more and more generation into the distribution network. Apart from the environmental benefits, this has created several challenges for planning and operation of the conventional power system. Furthermore, the growing recognition of necessity for optimization across different energy carriers for example “ETIP SNET Vision 2050" is also pointing towards more and more decentralized system. This chapter presents an overview of the main architectures and concepts for smart decentralized energy systems, through the critical analysis of recent documents such as Pan-European roadmaps (ETIP-SNET) and scenarios (TYNDP2020), results of R&D projects and regulatory documents (“Clean Energy for all Europeans”). The chapter is organized in four parts and starts with background for decentralization: driving forces, trends, and foreseen benefits as well as potential challenges and pitfalls. The second section starts with an overview of different levels of decentralization. The decentralized architecture combined with new ICT infrastructure (including machine learning), opens possibility for new and more efficient control approaches (balancing and voltage). This issue has been studied for example in ELECTRA IRP project, elaborating a cellular structure with dedicated set of novel controls for the power system. This section will further look at the market alternatives and the areas with several unresolved issues and gaps, which must be explored further and require an immediate attention from the research community. The following section will present views of several key stakeholders on decentralization of the power system. It appears that transformation to partially or fully decentralized power system will require certain changes of the present and creation of new roles and responsibilities among actors on the power market. Some of these modifications has been already introduced and formalised in the most recent recast of “Clean Energy for all Europeans.” The section will further present somewhat different opinions about this among the involved stakeholders, which have been expressed in several position papers. The final section makes conclusions and links the content to other chapters of the book.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDistributed Energy Resources in Local Integrated Energy Systems
Subtitle of host publicationOptimal Operation and Planning
Number of pages31
ISBN (Electronic)9780128238998
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • Congestion management
  • Decentralized architecture
  • Operation and control of decentralized system
  • Renewable generation


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