Artificial Intelligence, Cybercities and Technosocieties

Javier Echeverría, Raúl Tabarés

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Information technologies have made possible the rising of new forms of communities, cities and societies. These changes are analyzed from the perspective of innovation studies, as technological but also social innovations. Starting from the contributions of Ortega y Gasset to the philosophy of technology, and applying these ideas to the information and communications technologies (ICT) system, this article introduces the notions of technosocieties and cybercities. Our aim is to deeply examine the Telepolis project; a digital and global city supported by ICT and artificial intelligence (AI). We pay attention to the different challenges that AI will have to face in upcoming years in technosocieties and cybercities. In our opinion, the future of AI is tightly related with the technological support of this kind of new city and their cybercitizens. Finally, we claim that there won’t be a shared public space in the infosphere till public organizations acknowledge the importance of promoting and maintaining this new and already needed digital agora.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)473-493
Number of pages21
JournalMinds and Machines
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2017


  • Innovation studies
  • Social innovation
  • Infosphere
  • Telepolis
  • Ortega y Gasset
  • ICT


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