Bio-Based Phosphate-Containing Polyester for Improvement of Fire Reaction in Wooden Particleboard

Ingemar Svensson, Amaia Butron, Maddalen Puyadena, Alba González, Lourdes Irusta, Aitor Barrio*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


A new phosphate-containing bio-polyester based on glycerol and citric acid was synthesized and evaluated as fire-retardant (FR) in wooden particleboards. Phosphorus pentoxide was used to first introduce phosphate esters in the glycerol followed by esterification with citric acid to produce the bio-polyester. The phosphorylated products were characterized by ATR-FTIR, 1H-NMR and TGA-FTIR. After polyester curing, they were grinded and incorporated in laboratory produced particleboards. The fire reaction performance of the boards was evaluated by cone calorimeter. An increased char residue was produced depending on the phosphorus content and the THR (Total Heat Release), PHRR (Peak of Heat Release Rate) and MAHRE (Maximum Average of the Rate of Heat Emission) were considerably reduced in presence of the FRs. Highlights: Phosphate containing bio-polyester as fire retardant in wooden particle board; Fire performance is improved; Bio-polyester acts in the condensed and gas phases; Additive effectiveness similar to ammonium polyphosphate.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1093
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • cone calorimeter
  • fire reaction
  • particleboard
  • phosphate
  • polyester


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