Characterization of non-intentional emissions from distributed energy resources up to 500 kHz: A case study in Spain: A case study in Spain

I. Fernandez, N. Uribe-Pérez, I. Eizmendi, I. Angulo, D. de la Vega, A. Arrinda, T. Arzuaga

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Citations (Scopus)


    Narrow Band Power Line Communications (NB-PLC) systems are currently used for smart metering and power quality monitoring as a part of the Smart Grid (SG) concept. However, non-intentional emissions generated by the devices connected to the grid may sometimes disturb the communications and isolate metering equipment. Though some research works have been recently developed to characterize these emissions, most of them have been limited to frequencies below 150 kHz and they are mainly focused on in-house electronic appliances and lightning devices. As NB-PLC can also be allocated in higher frequencies up to 500 kHz, there is still a lack of analysis in this frequency range, especially for emissions from Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The identification and characterization of the emissions is essential to develop solutions that avoid a negative impact on the proper performance of NB-PLC. In this work, the non-intentional emissions of different types of DERs composing a representative microgrid have been measured in the 35–500 kHz frequency range and analyzed both in time and frequency domains. Different working conditions and coupling and commutation procedures to mains are considered in the analysis. Results are then compared to the limits recommended by regulatory bodies for spurious emissions from communication systems in this frequency band, as no specific limits for DERs have been established. Field measurements show clear differences in the characteristics of non-intentional emissions for different devices, working conditions and coupling procedures and for frequencies below and above 150 kHz. Results of this study demonstrate that a further characterization of the potential emissions from the different types of DERs connected to the grid is required in order to guarantee current and future applications based on NB-PLC.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)549-563
    Number of pages15
    JournalInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


    • Distributed energy resources
    • Electromagnetic interference
    • Electromagnetic measurements
    • NarrowBand power line communications
    • Noise measurement
    • Non-intentional emissions

    Project and Funding Information

    • Funding Info
    • This work has been financially supported in part by the Basque_x000D_ Government (Elkartek program).


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