Compact and cost effective instrument for detecting drug precursors in different environments based on fluorescence polarization (Poster)

Juan Carlos Antolín-Urbaneja, I. Eguizabal, N. Briz, A. Dominguez, Patxi Estensoro, A. Secchi, A. Varriale, S. Di Giovanni, S. D´Auria

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Several techniques for detecting chemical drug precursors have been developed in the last decade. Most of them are able to identify molecules at very low concentration under lab conditions. Other commercial devices are able to detect a fixed number and type of target substances based on a single detection technique providing an absence of flexibility with respect to target compounds. The construction of compact and easy to use detection systems providing screening for a large number of compounds being able to discriminate them with low false alarm rate and high probability of detection is still an open concern. Under CUSTOM project, funded by the European Commission within the FP7, a stand-alone portable sensing device based on multiple techniques is being developed. One of these techniques is based on the LED induced fluorescence polarization to detect Ephedrine and Benzyl Methyl Keton (BMK) as a first approach. This technique is highly selective with respect to the target compounds due to the generation of properly engineered fluorescent proteins which are able to bind the target analytes, as it happens in an “immune-type reaction”. This paper deals with the advances in the design, construction and validation of the LED induced fluorescence sensor to detect BMK analytes. This sensor includes an analysis module based on high performance LED and PMT detector, a fluidic system to dose suitable quantities of reagents and some printed circuit boards, all of them fixed in a small structure (167mm x 193mm x 228mm) with the capability of working as a stand-alone application.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Drug precursors
    • Fluorescence proteins
    • Fluorescence polarization
    • BMK
    • Benzyl Methyl Keton
    • Ephedrine
    • LED induced fluorescence sensor

    Project and Funding Information

    • Project ID
    • info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/242387/EU/Drugs and Precursor Sensing by Complementing Low Cost Multiple Techniques/CUSTOM
    • Funding Info
    • European Commission´s FP7


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