Construction and demolition waste in cement matrices as sinkholes of atmospheric pollution: Effect of the 2022 airborne dust in the Iberian Peninsula

Virginia Rubio Fernández, Raquel Vigil de la Villa Mencía, Moisés Frías Rojas, Rosario García Giménez*, Jaime Moreno-Juez, Isabel Sonsoles de Soto García

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The coincidence of a study on different ecocements to environmental exposition in Madrid (Spain) with the airborne dust from the Sahara desert in the same location, during the year 2022, facilitated the knowledge of the ecocement permeability to different sources of contamination. In general, mortars with a siliceous composition are more compact and less permeable to environmental particles compared to those with a calcareous composition. Binary mortars with glass have an intermediate response to pollutants and the most favorable for the incidence of contamination are ternary sulfoaluminate cements. The analysis of the ions penetration in the different cements studied has been followed by XRF, XRD-Rietveld and SEM/EDX analyses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number132929
JournalJournal of Hazardous Materials
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2024


  • Airborne dust
  • Construction and demolition waste eco-cement
  • Environmental contamination
  • Ionic diffusion


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