Decrease of Staphylococcal adhesion on surgical stainless steel after Si ion implantation

Iñigo Braceras*, Miguel A. Pacha-Olivenza, Alicia Calzado-Martín, Marta Multigner, Carolina Vera, Luis Labajos Broncano, Amparo M. Gallardo-Moreno, José Luis González-Carrasco, Nuria Vilaboa, M. Luisa González-Martín

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16 Citations (Scopus)


316LVM austenitic stainless steel is often the material of choice on temporal musculoskeletal implants and surgical tools as it combines good mechanical properties and acceptable corrosion resistance to the physiologic media, being additionally relatively inexpensive. This study has aimed at improving the resistance to bacterial colonization of this surgical stainless steel, without compromising its biocompatibility and resistance. To achieve this aim, the effect of Si ion implantation on 316LVM has been studied. First, the effect of the ion implantation parameters (50 keV; fluence: 2.5-5 × 10 16 ions/cm 2 ; angle of incidence: 45-90°) has been assessed in terms of depth profiling of chemical composition by XPS and nano-topography evaluation by AFM. The in vitro biocompatibility of the alloy has been evaluated with human mesenchymal stem cells. Finally, bacterial adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus on these surfaces has been assessed. Reduction of bacterial adhesion on Si implanted 316LVM is dependent on the implantation conditions as well as the features of the bacterial strains, offering a promising implantable biomaterial in terms of biocompatibility, mechanical properties and resistance to bacterial colonization. The effects of surface composition and nano-topography on bacterial adhesion, directly related to ion implantation conditions, are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-41
Number of pages6
JournalApplied Surface Science
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2014


  • Bacteria
  • Biocompatibility
  • Ion implantation
  • Silicon
  • Stainless steel
  • XPS


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