Development of an innovative mineral catalyst added pelletised fuel from organic wastes; Intermediate project results

Christoph M. Friedrich*, Mikel Belsue, Elmar K. Wolff

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The following text describes intermediate results of the Co-operative (CRAFT) European research project ASMICAF 1. The objective of the project is the development of a prototype process for binding harmful substances during the production and use of a secondary fuel pellet from organic wastes by adding inexpensive inorganic compounds to the composition. The process provides a solution for cleaner energy production from hard-to-treat organic waste fractions like automotive shredder residues from car recycling, sewage sludge, industrial wastes or even municipal solid wastes. A description of the prototype process and an explanation of the unique features like intelligent process control to provide stable pellet properties even on changing refuse fractions will be shown. Early project results will be presented and the ecological, economical and political impact of the provided solution on the European level will be discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationREWAS'04 - Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology - Proceedings
EditorsI. Gaballah, B. Mishra, R. Solozabal, M. Tanaka
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventREWAS'04 - Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology - Madrid, Spain
Duration: 26 Sept 200429 Sept 2004

Publication series

NameREWAS'04 - Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology


ConferenceREWAS'04 - Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology


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