Discontinuous Modulation of a Cascaded H-Bridge Low-Capacitance StatCom

Qingxiang Liu*, Ezequiel Rodriguez, Glen G. Farivar, Salvador Ceballos, Christopher D. Townsend, Ramon Leyva, Josep Pou

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20 Citations (Scopus)


This article presents a discontinuous modulation (DM) strategy for static compensators (StatComs) based on a cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converter with a star configuration. The proposed DM strategy considers the capacitor voltage oscillations at twice the fundamental frequency and the effect of zero-sequence voltage injection on the capacitor voltages. Considering these effects is especially important in CHB-StatComs with large capacitor voltage ripples (low-capacitance StatComs), where the assumption of a constant dc-link voltage, which is the basis of conventional DM strategies, does not apply. This article also describes a coherent set of steady-state waveforms for CHB-StatComs under DM. In addition to the well-known benefit of reducing the switching losses, the proposed DM also reduces the dc-link capacitors size and extends the operating range. The viability of the proposed DM strategy is verified experimentally on a small-scale prototype. In addition, simulation results are obtained using a real-scale system to study feasibility of the DM under unbalanced conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2790-2800
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022


  • Capacitance reduction
  • capacitor voltage ripples (CVRs)
  • cascaded H-bridge (CHB)
  • discontinuous modulation (DM)
  • static compensator (StatCom)
  • zero-sequence voltage


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