Estado actual de la tecnologia de solidificacion rapida. II Parte. Materiales cristalinos y amorfos. Aplicaciones

Translated title of the contribution: Present state of the rapid solidification technology - 2: crystalline and amorphous materials

M. Gutierrez, A. M. Irisarri, F. H. Froes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In Part I of this work, reference was made to the three main rapid solidification processes and to their effects on the metals obtained. Such effects are mainly structure refinement and homogeneity, an increment of solid solubility limits, absence of segregation, and a possibility of formation of new crystalline or amorphous phases. This Part 2 describes applications of these alloys considered either as intemediate products that must be further processed or as final products which need not be subjected to any compacting intermediate process.

Translated title of the contributionPresent state of the rapid solidification technology - 2: crystalline and amorphous materials
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)116-129
Number of pages14
JournalRevista de Metalurgia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 1989


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