Group'n Route: An Edge Learning-Based Clustering and Efficient Routing Scheme Leveraging Social Strength for the Internet of Vehicles

Naercio Magaia, Pedro Ferreira, Paulo Rogerio Pereira, Khan Muhammad, Javier Del Ser, Victor Hugo C. De Albuquerque

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is undoubtedly at the core of the future of intelligent transportation. It will prevail over the road ecosystem, and it will have a huge impact on our lives throughout the provision of seamless connectivity among diverse transportation means. For the network to operate efficiently, the data needs to be quickly spread throughout the network, which requires low computational and bandwidth overheads. However, the dynamics of vehicular environments due to frequent node mobility poses many challenges to realize efficient data dissemination. This work addresses this type of problem by proposing a novel clustering algorithm at the edge of the network and an efficient message routing approach, which is known as Group'n Route (GnR). Both mechanisms resort to machine learning and graph metrics that reflect the social relationships between the nodes. Our performance evaluation reveals that the clustering algorithm yields stable results with varying road scenarios, which are becoming an advisable approach in the presence of mobile IoV nodes. Also, the designed routing protocol achieves two orders of magnitude smaller overhead and almost double the delivery rate when it is compared to traditional routing protocols, which thereby justify that the combination of our two proposed clustering and routing methods are a plausible alternative to support IoV communications in real-world setups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19589-19601
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • clustering
  • edge learning
  • graph theory
  • Internet of Vehicles
  • routing
  • social strength


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