Influence of obstacles on the development of gravity current prior to backdraft

Christian Pérez-Jiménez*, Georges Jan Guigay, Bjorn Karlsson, Jonas Eliasson, Andrej Horvat, Yehuda Sinai, Jean Marc Franssen

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The phenomenon of backdraft is closely linked to the formation of a flammable region due to the mixing process between the unburned gases accumulated in the compartment and the fresh air entering the compartment through a recently created opening. The flow of incoming fresh air is called the gravity current. Gravity current prior to backdraft has already been studied, Fleischmann (1993, Backdraft phenomena, NIST-GCR-94-646. University of California, Berkeley) and Fleischmann (1999, Numerical and experimental gravity currents related to backdrafts, Fire Safety Journal); Weng et al. (2002, Exp Fluids 33:398-404), but all simulations and experiments found in the current literature are systematically based on a perfectly regular volume, usually parallelipedic in shape, without any piece of furniture or equipment in the compartment. Yet, various obstacles are normally found in real compartments and the question is whether they affect the gravity current velocity and the level of mixing between fresh and vitiated gases. In the work reported here, gravity current prior to backdraft in compartment with obstacles is investigated by means of three-dimensional CFD numerical simulations. These simulations use as a reference case the backdraft experiment test carried out by Gojkovic (2000, Initial Backdraft. Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Universitet, Report 3121). The Froude number, the transit time and the ignition time are obtained from the computations and compared to the tests in order to validate the model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-340
Number of pages18
JournalFire Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • 3-Dsimulation
  • Backdraft
  • Gravity current
  • Ignition time
  • Obstacles


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