Integrating simplified and full life cycle approaches in decision making for building energy refurbishment: Benefits and Barriers

Xabat Oregi*, Patxi Hernandez, Cristina Gazulla, Marina Isasa

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

67 Citations (Scopus)


The life cycle assessment (LCA) method is a powerful tool that can serve to aid decision making regarding the environmental benefits of refurbishment projects. However, due to the relative complexity of LCA studies, simplified LCA methodologies are frequently used, focusing on just some of the building life cycle phases or a reduced number of indicators. The most common and widespread simplification is to only evaluate the differences a refurbishment project makes on the operational energy use of the building. This paper compares the results of applying full LCA, simplified LCA and operational energy use assessment in a refurbishment case study. Results show that simplified LCA methodologies including building use phase and product manufacturing phase can generally be sufficiently accurate to aid decision making for building energy refurbishment, as other building life cycle phases related to transport of products, on site construction, deconstruction or end of life represent a generally negligible part of the total life cycle impacts, both in terms of resource use or environmental impacts. Barriers and benefits of applying simplified LCA approaches to building energy refurbishment projects are subsequently discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)354-380
Number of pages27
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Building refurbishment
  • Embodied energy
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
  • Life cycle energy performance
  • Refurbishment
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Simplified life cycle assessment


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