Integration of experimental facilities: A joint effort for establishing a common knowledge base in experimental work on hydrogen safety

Ernst Arndt Reinecke*, Thomas Huebert, Isabelle Tkatschenko, Armin Kessler, Mike Kuznetsov, M. Wilkins, David Hedley, Inaki Azkarate, Christophe Proust, Beatriz Acosta-Iborra, B. Gavrikov, Peter C.J. De Bruijn, Alessia Marangon, Andrzej Teodorczyk, A. Grafwallner

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9 Citations (Scopus)


In the area of hydrogen safety, research facilities are essential for the experimental investigation of relevant phenomena, for testing devices and safety concepts, as well as for the generation of validation data for the various numerical codes and models. Within the framework of the European HySafe Network of Excellence (NoE), the 'Integration of Experimental Facilities (IEF)' activity has provided basic support for joint experimental work. Even beyond the funding period of the HySafe NoE in the 6th Framework Program, IEF represents a long-lasting effort for the sustainable integration of experimental research capacities and expertise of the partners from different research fields. In order to achieve a high standard in the quality of experimental data provided by the partners, emphasis was put on the know-how transfer between the partners. On the one hand, documentation on the experimental capacities was prepared and analyzed. On the other hand, a wiki-based communication platform was established, supported by biannual workshops covering topics ranging from measurement technologies to safety issues. Based on the partners' contributions, a working document was created on best practice including the joint experimental knowledge of all partners with regard to experimental set-ups and instrumentation. The paper gives an overview of the IEF partners and the network activities over the last five years.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2700-2710
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


  • Experiments
  • Facilities
  • Hydrogen safety
  • HySafe


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