Lightning initiation from a tall structure in the Basque Country

J. López*, J. Montanyà, M. Maruri, D. De la Vega, J. A. Aranda, S. Gaztelumendi

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    Lightning detection in the Spanish Basque Country is performed using the LF TOA, VHF interferometer and the VLF lightning detection technologies in which two independent networks are based, providing a better detection quality due to the combination of these different techniques. Total lightning activity related to the tall structure of the weather radar operated by the Basque Meteorology Agency (Euskalmet) is presented. The tall structure is a 50. m tower located on the top of Kapildui Mountain (at about 1169.48. m ASL). Remarkable electrical activity associated to this place has been witnessed in the last two years. Two particular flashes during November 30th 2009 caused damage to the weather radar. Two different lightning detection networks detected five and six cloud-to-ground strokes, respectively. Only nine VHF sources were detected in the first flash without any VLF detection classified as intracloud. But for the second flash non VHF source was detected and two detections were reported by the VLF system. In both cases some intracloud detections were reported before cloud-to-ground strokes and some others during the flash. This paper presents the study of a winter episode with a special impact in the tower, the research carried out for characterizing the lightning events and the measures taken in order to achieve a better protection mechanism for the radar site.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)28-36
    Number of pages9
    JournalAtmospheric Research
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2012


    • Lightning initiation
    • Tall structure
    • Weather radar
    • Winter thunderstorm


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