MERLIN: Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot System for Home Environment

Ainara Garzo*, Javier Arcas-Ruiz-Ruano, Iñigo Dorronsoro, Gabriel Gaminde, Je Hyung Jung, Javier Téllez, Thierry Keller

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


ArmAssist is a cost-effective robotic system for post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation. The system incorporates the ArmAssist Assessment platform based on serious games that enables fast, quantitative and automatic evaluation of the arm functions. The aim of the MERLIN European project is to bring this system to the patients’ homes to personalize the therapy with reduced supervision while increasing the number of movement repetitions to improve the effectiveness. To this end, the ArmAssist system developed by TECNALIA, has been integrated with GMV’s Antari Home Care platform, to customize and supervise the training remotely. Additionally, several technical improvements have been done to enhance the usability and functionality of the system according to the patients and therapists’ feedback. In this paper, the technical progress of the MERLIN system is presented.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiosystems and Biorobotics
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-70316-5
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-70315-8
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameBiosystems and Biorobotics
ISSN (Print)2195-3562
ISSN (Electronic)2195-3570


  • Rehabilitation
  • Upper-Limb
  • Home Environment

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • EIT Health. 20649. MERLIN


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