Metodología de selección de especies de arbolado para el sombreado urbano en la parte oriental de la cornisa Cantábrica

I. Azcarate Mutiloa, J. Á. Acero Alejandro, J. Arrizabalaga Ibarzabal

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The mitigation of the Urban Heat Island is one of the biggest future challenges in cities due to climate change. One of the methods to achieve the cooling of urban spaces is the attenuation of solar radiation provided by the trees. In the present article, a methodology of selection of arboreal species is proposed for the improvement of thermal comfort in urbanized areas of the eastern part of the Cantabrian coast. Starting from a pre-selection of native species, a classification of various species suitable for shading is obtained, describing its main characteristics and its possible use scope according to the typology of urban space.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)322
Number of pages1
JournalInformes de la Construcción
Issue number556
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Climate change
  • Shading
  • Solar radiation
  • Tree species
  • Urban heat island
  • Urban space


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