Microgrids integration into the distribution network

E. Sánchez*, J. Anduaga, F. J. Santiago, A. Gil De Muro

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper describes the work carried out in the frame of the Spanish MICROGRID project, aiming the study of interaction between an electrical microgrid and the electrical distribution system taking into account both the isolated and the grid connected modes. The general objective is to foster the development of new products for the electrical grid of the future, considering the technical requirements and interconnection standards. Also regulatory and socioeconomic aspects are considered in the project. The paper shows the main results of the project during the simulation and construction phases. In the simulation phase it has been proved that: the state estimation algorithms used at the transmission network are also applicable at the distribution network; DER (Distributed Energy Resources) integration can contribute to reduce load flow through the lines, under a certain installed power level; an adequate control system would permit DER installations to generate energy above the legally established limits without causing problems to the network. The microgrid construction phase has been developed in the Technology Park of Bizkaia (TPB), placed in the North of Spain, where several partners have their facilities. The main activities, supported by site tests and carried on in this installation are: the monitoring of the microgrid using the standard protocol (IEC 61850 part. 7-420); the assessment of the impact of the microgrid on the transformation centre; the switching between connected and isolated mode; the microgrid power quality and stability improvement; the connection of fuel cell to the grid. The main contribution to the TPB microgrid has been the DER technologies demonstration facility located in LABEIN-TECNALIA's premises. It consists on an installation connected to the low voltage network and integrated by several generation and storage technologies together with programmable loads and grid simulators. The project has been developed during 3 years, June-2004 to June-2007 and has been partially supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia), Basque Government and Bizkaia Local Administration. Around ten companies and technological centres have joined the project which has been promoted by the Basque Country Energy Cluster, the Basque Energy Agency, Iberdrola and Tecnalia Technology Corporation. The involved industrial and technological companies are: Iberdrola, Arteche, Ingelectric, Intekia, Labein-Tecnalia, Ormazabal, Robotiker-Tecnalia, Sevilla of University, Team-Arteche, Zigor, ZIV p+c and Air Liquide España.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event42nd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2008, CIGRE 2008 - Paris, France
Duration: 24 Aug 200829 Aug 2008


Conference42nd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2008, CIGRE 2008


  • DER Integration
  • Energy Controller
  • Interconnection Standard
  • Local Controller
  • Microgrid
  • Microgrid Controller
  • Microgrid Stability
  • State Estimation


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