Microstructure and Phase Formation of Novel Al80Mg5Sn5Zn5X5 Light-Weight Complex Concentrated Aluminum Alloys

Jon Mikel Sanchez, Alejandro Pascual, Iban Vicario, Joseba Albizuri, Teresa Guraya, Haize Galarraga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


In this work, three novel complex concentrated aluminum alloys were developed. To investigate the unexplored region of the multicomponent phase diagrams, thermo-physical parameters and the CALPHAD method were used to understand the phase formation of the Al80Mg5Sn5Zn5Ni5 , Al80Mg5Sn5Zn5Mn5 , and Al80Mg5Sn5Zn5Ti5 alloys. The ingots of the alloys were manufactured by a gravity permanent mold casting process, avoiding the use of expensive, dangerous, or scarce alloying elements. The microstructural evolution as a function of the variable element (Ni, Mn, or Ti) was studied by means of different microstructural characterization techniques. The hardness and compressive strength of the as-cast alloys at room temperature were studied and correlated with the previously characterized microstructures. All the alloys showed multiphase microstructures with major α-Al dendritic matrix reinforced with secondary phases. In terms of mechanical properties, the developed alloys exhibited a high compression yield strength up to 420 MPa, high compression fracture strength up to 563 MPa, and elongation greater than 12%.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1944
Pages (from-to)1944
Number of pages1
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2021


  • Complex-concentrated alloys
  • Aluminum alloys
  • High-entropy alloys
  • Theoretical modelling
  • Mechanical properties
  • Lightweight alloy
  • Casting
  • Lightweight alloys
  • Theoretical modeling

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • This research was funded by the Basque Government through the projects Elkartek:_x000D_ KK-2018/00015 (NEWHEA2) and KK-2020/00047 (CEMAP).


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