Modelling of electro hydraulic free and die forming of sheet steels

Arne Melander*, Aldin Delic, Anders Björkblad, Pasi Juntunen, Ludovic Samek, Leire Vadillo

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29 Citations (Scopus)


Electro hydraulic forming of a range of different sheet steels was studied experimentally and with finite element methods. Four carbon and stainless sheet materials were studied. In this paper we present results on a mild steel (IF210), two high strength steels (DPX800 and TRIP700) and one stainless steel (1. 4509). The flow properties of the materials were evaluated at a range of strain rates up to 1000/s. These were typical strain rates in the FE simulations. The flow properties were characterized with the Johnson Cook model. Electro hydraulic forming trails were performed with a chamber of water with a pair of electrodes on one side of the sheet. In one case free forming was performed and in the other case forming was performed into a truncated conical die. Geometrical shapes and strain distributions were evaluated after forming. A finite element model was formulated in ABAQUS explicit. The model takes the chamber filled with water into account and the effect of the electrical discharge is modeled as a pressure wave originating from the location of the electrodes. The sheet is given the properties defined by the Johnson Cook model and stiff tools are used. The forming of the sheet is described including rebound effects at the tools. The model shows satisfactory results in relation to the experimental trials regarding both shape and strains of the pressed sheets.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-231
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Material Forming
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


  • Electrohydraulic
  • Forming
  • Sheet
  • Simulation
  • Steel
  • Strain rate


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