Motion planning

Jorge Villagra, Felipe Jiménez, Joshué Pérez, Ivan Garcia-Daza, Antonio Artuñedo, Miguel Clavijo, Alberto Díaz-Álvarez, David Fernandez-Lorca, Ray Alejandro Lattarulo, Jose Ángel Matute, Jorge Godoy, Rubén Izquierdo-Gonzalo, Marta Alonso

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Motion planning is responsible for computing a safe, comfortable, and dynamically feasible trajectory from the automated vehicle's current state to the goal configuration provided by the behavioral layer of the decision-making system. It considers information about static and dynamic obstacles around the vehicle and generates a collision-free trajectory that satisfies dynamic and kinematic constraints on the motion of the vehicle. This chapter defines the problem and provides a complete overview of the different existing techniques to obtain (i) appropriate paths along the drivable space; and (ii) the most suitable speed profile to follow that path. Although path planning is a well-established discipline in robotics, the focus of the chapter is on describing the different approaches under the perspective, needs, and constraints of on-road vehicles.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDecision-Making Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles
Number of pages51
ISBN (Electronic)9780323983396
ISBN (Print)9780323985499
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Motion planning
  • Path planning
  • Speed planning


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