Optimization of Semiautomated Calibration Algorithm of Multichannel Electrotactile Feedback for Myoelectric Hand Prosthesis

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The main drawback of the commercially available myoelectric hand prostheses is the absence of somatosensory feedback. We recently developed a feedback interface for multiple degrees of freedom myoelectric prosthesis that allows proprioceptive and sensory information (i.e., grasping force) to be transmitted to the wearer instantaneously. High information bandwidth is achieved through intelligent control of spatiotemporal distribution of electrical pulses over a custom-designed electrode array. As electrotactile sensations are location-dependent and the developed interface requires that electrical stimuli are perceived to be of the same intensity on all locations, a calibration procedure is of high importance. The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the calibration procedure and optimize this process by leveraging a priori knowledge. For this purpose, we conducted a study with 9 able-bodied subjects performing 10 sessions of the array electrode calibration. Based on the collected data, we optimized and simplified the calibration procedure by adapting the initial (baseline) amplitude values in the calibration algorithm. The results suggest there is an individual pattern of stimulation amplitudes across 16 electrode pads for each subject, which is not affected by the initial amplitudes. Moreover, the number of user actions performed and the time needed for the calibration procedure are significantly reduced by the proposed methodology.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9298758
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalApplied Bionics and Biomechanics
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Myoelectrically controlled prosthetics
  • Calibration algorithm
  • Calibration procedure
  • Electrotactile feedbacks
  • Location dependents
  • Multiple degrees of freedom
  • Spatiotemporal distributions

Project and Funding Information

  • Funding Info
  • The research was supported by Tecnalia Research & Innovation,_x000D_ Spain, and the Ministry of Education, Science and_x000D_ Technological Development of Republic of Serbia (Project_x000D_ no. 175016). The authors would like to thank all the volunteers_x000D_ who participated in this study.


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