Peer-to-peer energy market between electric vehicles

Roberto Álvaro-Hermana, Julia Merino, Jesús Fraile-Ardanuy, Sandra Castanõ-Solis, David Jiménez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Electric vehicles (EVs) are a major component of future electric grids, both for the increase in electricity demand and the flexibility they can add to the grid. Vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-building pilots have been tested and some have been approved by grid operators, but the EVs’ possibilities shall be further enhanced. In previous works, the authors proposed a peer-to-peer energy market between EVs that largely reduced the expenses of their costly day-charging. This chapter further expands the model by taking into account the long-term effects of the market, which reduce the impact of the electric grid prices forecast on the market. The ratio between EVs that offer energy and those that demand energy is shown to be a good indicator for the market price forecast. Almost all energy demand occurs in pairs zone-time in which the number of offering EVs is more than five times the number of demanding EVs, for which the market price is very close to the electricity price at night.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICT for Electric Vehicle Integration with the Smart Grid
PublisherInstitution of Engineering and Technology
Number of pages32
ISBN (Electronic)9781785617621
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Costly day-charging
  • Demand energy
  • Electric grid prices forecast
  • Electric vehicle charging
  • Electric vehicles
  • Electricity demand
  • Electricity price
  • EVs
  • Grid operators
  • Market price forecast
  • Peer-to-peer energy market
  • Power markets
  • Power system economics
  • Pricing
  • Vehicle-to-building pilots
  • Vehicle-to-grid
  • Vehicle-to-grid


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