Quantitative XRD characterisation and gas-phase photocatalytic activity testing for visible-light (indoor applications) of KRONOClean 7000®

D. M. Tobaldi*, M. P. Seabra, G. Otero-Irurueta, Y. R. De Miguel, R. J. Ball, M. K. Singh, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha

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37 Citations (Scopus)


Carbon-modified commercial anatase (KRONOClean 7000®) was quantitatively characterised with XRD for the first time-full phase composition (both crystalline and amorphous content) and microstructure. The material was found to be bimodal anatase, mostly ∼4 nm diameter, but with a small amount of a larger fraction between ∼12 and 15 nm. Absorption in the visible range was confirmed by UV-Vis analysis, whilst XPS showed that an aromatic carbon compound is at the origin of that absorption. Also, the photocatalytic activity of this commercial nano-TiO2 was assessed, monitoring the abatement of NOx using a white LED lamp, irradiating exclusively in the visible region. Experiments simulated an indoor environment, highlighting the potential of this nano-TiO2 for adoption as a standard for visible-light photocatalytic activity, i.e. applications for innovative interior eco-building materials.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)102911-102918
Number of pages8
JournalRSC Advances
Issue number124
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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