Quantum Control of Hole Spin Qubits in Double Quantum Dots

D. Fernández-Fernández, Yue Ban, G. Platero

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Hole spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are promising candidates for quantum information processing due to their weak hyperfine coupling to nuclear spins, and to the strong spin-orbit coupling, which allows for rapid operation time. We propose a coherent control on two heavy-hole spin qubits in a double QD by a fast adiabatic driving protocol, which helps to achieve higher fidelities than other experimentally commonly used protocols as linear ramping, ? pulses or Landau-Zener passages. Using fast quasiadiabatic driving via spin-orbit coupling, it is possible to reduce charge noise significantly for qubit manipulation and achieve high robustness for the qubit initialization. We also implement one- and two-qubit gates, in particular, not, cnot, and swaplike gates, of hole spins in a double QD achieving fidelities above 99%, exhibiting the capability of hole spins to implement universal gates for quantum computing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number054090
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


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