Recording and assessment of evoked potentials with electrode arrays

N. Miljković*, N. Malešević, V. Kojić, G. Bijelić, T. Keller, D. B. Popović

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4 Citations (Scopus)


In order to optimize procedure for the assessment of evoked potentials and to provide visualization of the flow of action potentials along the motor systems, we introduced array electrodes for stimulation and recording and developed software for the analysis of the recordings. The system uses a stimulator connected to an electrode array for the generation of evoked potentials, an electrode array connected to the amplifier, A/D converter and computer for the recording of evoked potentials, and a dedicated software application. The method has been tested for the assessment of the H-reflex on the triceps surae muscle in six healthy humans. The electrode array with 16 pads was positioned over the posterior aspect of the thigh, while the recording electrode array with 16 pads was positioned over the triceps surae muscle. The stimulator activated all the pads of the stimulation electrode array asynchronously, while the signals were recorded continuously at all the recording sites. The results are topography maps (spatial distribution of evoked potentials) and matrices (spatial visualization of nerve excitability). The software allows the automatic selection of the lowest stimulation intensity to achieve maximal H-reflex amplitude and selection of the recording/stimulation pads according to predefined criteria. The analysis of results shows that the method provides rich information compared with the conventional recording of the H-reflex with regard the spatial distribution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)857-867
Number of pages11
JournalMedical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2015


  • Asynchronous electrical stimulation
  • Evoked potential
  • H-reflex
  • Surface electrode array
  • Topography


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