Short-and long-term learning of feedforward control of a myoelectric prosthesis with sensory feedback by amputees

Matija Štrbac*, Milica Isaković, Minja Belić, Igor Popović, Igor Simanić, Dario Farina, Thierry Keller, Strahinja Došen

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71 Citations (Scopus)


Human motor control relies on a combination of feedback and feedforward strategies. The aim of this study was to longitudinally investigate artificial somatosensory feedback and feedforward control in the context of grasping with myoelectric prosthesis. Nine amputee subjects performed routine grasping trials, with the aim to produce four levels of force during four blocks of 60 trials across five days. The electrotactile force feedback was provided in the second and third block usingmultipad electrode and spatial coding. The first baseline and last validation block (open-loop control) evaluated the effects of long-(across sessions) and short-term (within session) learning, respectively.The outcomemeasureswere the absolute error between the generated and target force, and the number of force saturations. The results demonstrated that the electrotactile feedback improved the performance both within and across sessions. In the validation block, the performance did not significantly decrease and the quality of openloop control (baseline) improved across days, converging to the performance characterizing closed-loop control. This paper provides important insights into the feedback and feedforwardprocessesin prosthesiscontrol, contributing to the better understanding of the role and design of feedback in prosthetic systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7940016
Pages (from-to)2133-2145
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Amputees
  • Electrotactile stimulation
  • Feedforward control
  • Force feedback
  • Index Terms-Array electrodes
  • Learning
  • Routine grasping


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