Smart aid for quality system assessment-diagnosis

Santiago Rementeria*, Araceli Gomez, Jose A. Urrutia, Francisco J. Ruiz

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper describes an application of knowledge engineering techniques in quality engineering. The computer program implemented guides the quality auditor during the audit process and automatically assesses the quality system implanted in small or medium-sized industrial companies. A report suggesting corrective actions is also generated. This program is intended to be a tool that helps the quality auditor carry out his activity in a rational and systematic way. It can be used both for internal and external audits, assuming that Total Quality criteria are chosen. The system described in this paper is the result of a joint research effort between the Departments of Quality/Competitiveness and Artificial Intelligence in Labein, a Spanish Technological Center. This work is intended to be an example of how knowledge engineering, and Information Technologies in general, may contribute to the Quality Revolution and make it continue further.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 1991
Event45th Annual Quality Congress Transactions - Milwaukee, WI, USA
Duration: 20 May 199122 May 1991


Conference45th Annual Quality Congress Transactions
CityMilwaukee, WI, USA


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