Springback Elimination in Structural Components by Means of Electromagnetic Forming

Leire Vadillo, Iñaki Pérez, Iñaki Eguía, Mª Ángeles Gutiérrez, Beatriz González, Uwe Paar, Martin Glatzer, Glenn S. Daehn, Rafael Iturbe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Looking for car weight reduction related to the use of High Strength Steels (HSS) for manufacturing body-in-White components, an innovative application of the high velocity forming techniques has been developed: the Electro Magnetic (EM) calibration and elimination of the spring-back effect (sidewall curl) of High Strength Steel U-channels. Within this paper the initial tests on L and U-shaped parts will be presented. Being the mechanical stiffness the main paramerter for improving the coil ebdurance, the prediction of the coil strains under EM forces is a basic issue, which has been addressed within this study.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSAE Technical Papers
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Springback
  • Electromagnetic forming


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