29Si NMR in cement: A theoretical study on calcium silicate hydrates

Pawel Rejmak*, Jorge S. Dolado, Malcolm J. Stott, Andrés Ayuela

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96 Citations (Scopus)


The NMR spectra of 29Si in cement-based materials are studied through calculations of the isotropic shielding of silicon atoms within the density functional theory. We focus on the main component of cement, the calcium-silicate-hydrate gel, using widely accepted models based on the observed structures of jennite and tobermorite minerals. The results show that the 29Si chemical shifts are dependent not only on the degree of condensation of the (SiO 4) units, as commonly assumed, but also on the local arrangement of the charge compensating H and Ca cations. We find that the NMR spectra for models of the calcium-silicate-hydrate gel based on tobermorite are in better agreement with experiment than those for jennite-based models.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9755-9761
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2012


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