Technical and environmental evaluation of a new high performance material based on magnesium alloy reinforced with submicrometre-sized TiC particles to develop automotive lightweight components and make transport sector more sustainable

Victor Ferreira, Mikel Merchán, Pedro Egizabal, Maider García de Cortázar, Ane Irazustabarrena, Ana M. López-Sabirón, German Ferreira

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Citations (Scopus)


This study evaluated the use of submicrometre-sized particles based on titanium carbide from both technical and environmental points of view. The objective was to improve the mechanical properties of the magnesium alloy intended for use in the automotive component industry. To this end, an Al/TiC master compound containing 60 wt.% of TiC was produced through a self-propagating, high-temperature synthesis process and embedded in a magnesium alloy by a mechanical stirring method. The life cycle assessment methodology was then used to evaluate the environmental impact of the manufacturing of the magnesium alloy reinforced with submicrometre-sized particles. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques revealed the nature and purity of the TiC present in the material and revealed particle sizes below submicrometre range (300–500 nm). The incorporation of TiC particles into the magnesium alloy resulted in improvements in yield stress and ultimate tensile strength of more than 10% and 18%, respectively, and increases in ductility values by 30%. Finally, the results indicated that the submicrometre particle production had a low environmental impact compared with the total impact associated with manufacturing the magnesium alloy reinforced with submicrometre-sized particles; the greatest environmental burden was attributed to the magnesium production stage. However, this impact is offset in the use phase of the vehicle, providing approximately 28,000 km of mileage for a car.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2549-2564
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Materials Research and Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2019


  • Magnesium
  • Submicrometre
  • Titanium-carbide
  • Life-cycle-assessment
  • CO2 eq emissions
  • Abbreviations CMA Chinese magnesium association
  • CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
  • EC European commission
  • EU European union
  • GHG greenhouse gas
  • LCA life cycle assessment
  • LCI life cycle inventory
  • SEM scanning electron microscopy
  • SHS self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
  • XRD x-ray diffraction

Project and Funding Information

  • Project ID
  • info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/314582/EU/Development of a new high performance material associated to a new technological Energetic, Flexible, Economical, Versatile and Ecological process to make super strong and lightweight components/EFEVE
  • Funding Info
  • The research leading to these results has been received funding form the European Union Seventh Framework Programme(_x000D_ FP7/20072013) under grant agreement n 314582 EFEVE project. The authors thank the project partners for providing_x000D_ support to this research.


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