The opportunity for smart city projects at municipal scale: Implementing a positive energy district in Zorrozaurre

Cristina Martín, Tony Castillo-Calzadilla, Kristina Zabala, Eneko Arrizabalaga, Patxi Hernández, Lara Mabe, José Ramón López, Jesús Ma Casado, Ma Nélida Santos, Jordán Guardo, Begoña Molinete

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The urgency of climate change is demanding new urban energy transition processes that will be accelerated by the implementation of innovative urban solutions. This paper proposes a three-step methodology to encompass the energy transition in cities. Firstly, the design of urban spaces in accordance to Positive Energy District (PED) concept is defining a very ambitious objective that will lead the development and implementation of innovative urban approaches. Secondly, the implementation of Urban City Labs is proposed for testing and demonstrating urban innovations at real scale as reasonable approach for consolidated urban landscapes. Thirdly, energy transition is demanding new governance mechanisms where top-down and bottom-up perspectives are continually combined and harmonized. ATELIER H2020 is accelerating the demonstration of this methodology at the recently defined PED in Zorrozaurre (Bilbao, Basque Country).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)118-149
Number of pages32
Issue number99
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • bottom-up collaborative approaches
  • city labs
  • positive energy district
  • quadruple helix methodology
  • smart cities
  • two-way governance


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