Towards holistic power distribution system validation and testing - An overview and discussion of different possibilities

T. Strasser*, F. Andrèn, G. Lauss, R. Bründlinger, H. Brunner, C. Moyo, C. Seitl, S. Rohjans, S. Lehnhoff, P. Palensky, P. Kotsampopoulos, N. Hatziargyriou, G. Arnold, W. Heckmann, E. C.W. De Jong, M. Verga, G. Franchioni, L. Martini, A. M. Kosek, O. GehrkeH. Bindner, F. Coffele, G. Burt, M. Calin, J. E. Rodriguez-Seco

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Renewable energy sources are key enablers to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and to cope with the anthropogenic global warming. Their intermittent behaviour and limited storage capabilities present challenges to power system operators in maintaining the high level of power quality and reliability. However, the increased availability of advanced automation and communication technologies has provided new intelligent solutions to face these challenges. Previous work has presented various new methods to operate highly interconnected power grids with corresponding components in a more effective way. As a consequence of these developments the traditional power system is transformed into a cyber-physical system, a smart grid. Previous and ongoing research activities have mainly focused on validating certain aspects of smart grids, but until now no integrated approach for analysing and evaluating complex configurations in a cyber-physical systems manner is available. This paper tackles this issue and addresses system validation approaches for smart grids. Different approaches for different stages in the design, development, and roll out phase of smart grid solutions and components are discussed. Finally, future research directions are analysed.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventCIGRE Session 46 - Paris, France
Duration: 21 Aug 201626 Aug 2016


ConferenceCIGRE Session 46


  • Education
  • Hardware-in-the-loop
  • Infrastructure
  • Research
  • Simulation
  • Smart grid
  • Training


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