Two software tools for facilitating the choice of ground source heat pumps by stakeholders and designers

Michele De Carli*, Amaia Castelruiz Aguirre, Angelo Zarrella, Lucia Cardoso, Sarah Noyé, Robert Gast, Samantha Graci, Giuseppe Emmi, David Bertermann, Johannes Müller, Antonio Galgaro, Giorgia Dalla Santa, Fabio Poletto, Giulia Mezzasalma, Silvia Contini, Javier Urchueguía, Marco Belliardi, Riccardo Pasquali, Adriana Bernardi

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    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    For promoting the diffusion of GSHP and making the technology more accessible to the general public, in the H2020 research project “CHeap and Efficient APplication of reliable Ground Source Heat exchangers and PumpS” (acronym Cheap-GSHPs) a tool for sizing these systems has been developed, as well as a Decision Support System (DSS) able to assist the user in the preliminary design of the most suitable configuration. For all these tools a common platform has been carried out considering climatic conditions, energy demand of buildings, ground thermal properties, heat pump solutions repository, as well as renewable energy database to use in synergy with the GSHPs. Since the aims of the tools are different, there are different approaches. The design tool is mainly addressed to designers. The calculation may be done in two ways: with a simplified method based on the ASHRAE approach and with a detailed calculation based on the numerical tool CaRM (Capacity-Resistance method). The DSS final aim is to support decision-making, by providing the stakeholders at all the level with a series of scenario. The Cheap-GSHPs project has developed a DSS tool aimed at accelerating the decision-making process of designers and building owners as well as increasing market share of the Cheap-GSHPs technologies. Hence the DSS generates different possible solutions based on a defined general problem, identifying the optimal solution. Both tools are presented in the paper, showing the potentialities provided by both software.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number06023
    JournalE3S Web of Conferences
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2019
    Event13th REHVA World Congress, CLIMA 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
    Duration: 26 May 201929 May 2019


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