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The Art of Cyber Threat Hunting: Harnessing AI for Addressing Newfangled Cybersecurity Challenges
Miranda Garcia, A. (Author), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Piezoelectric Polylactide-based Materials for Biomedical Applications: Fundamentals, Fabrications Strategies and Characterization
Schonlein, R. (Author), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Addressing the Challenges of Electrifying Buildings' Thermal Demand from technology and users' perspective
Eguiarte Fernandez, O. (Author), del Portillo Valdés (Supervisor) & De Agustin Camacho (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Design, Development and Validation of Centralised Two-Stage P2P Energy Community Market
Goitia Zabaleta, N. (Author), Fernandez Herreo (Supervisor) & Milo Urquiola (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Sensores electrónicos de bajo coste aplicados a la monitorización online del material atmosférico particulado producido por minería a cielo abierto
Zafra Perez, A. (Author), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Implementación en tiempo real de estrategías de modulación de baja frecuencia de conmutación para filtros activos
Ibañez Hidalgo, I. (Author), Zubizarreta Pico (Supervisor) & Ceballos Recio (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advanced Control Strategies for Wind Power Generation with Floating Technology
Lopez Queija, J. (Author), Llorente González (Supervisor) & Robles Sestafe (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Framework for the Operationalization of Analytic Workloads in Complex Distributed Computing Environments
Diaz de Arcaya Serrano, J. (Author), Almeida (Supervisor) & Torre Bastida (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Cooperative manoeuvres for urban environments with automated vehicles
Hidalgo Vieira, C. E. (Author), Asua Uriarte (Supervisor) & Pérez Rastelli (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Correlating atomic scale structure and activity of model catalysts
Peña Diaz, M. (Author), Barja Martinez (Supervisor) & Rogero Blanco (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Modelos predictivos espacio - temporales basados en grafos enfocados a la optimización de la gestión de los servicios públicos en la Smart City
Garmendia Orbegozo, A. (Author), Núñez González (Supervisor) & Anton Gonzalez (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Caracterización a fractura de aceros estructurales mediante probetas mini-C(T)
Sanchez Matias, M. (Author), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Piezoelectric Polylactide-based Materials for Biomedical Applications: Fundamentals, Fabrications Strategies and Characterization
Schonlein, R. (Author), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Estimación de flujos de movilidad en grandes áreas geográficas con modelos de Inteligencia Artificial de última generación
Lopez Manibardo, E. (Author), Del Ser Lorente (Supervisor) & Laña Aurrekoetxea (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Bio-inspired design and manufacturing methodologies for lightweight, functionality customized and sustainable metallic components
Laraudogoitia Blanc, I. (Author), Girot (Supervisor) & Garcia De Cortazar Aguirrezabal (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Analysis and influence on hygrothermal ocmfort and ventilation in educational centres in the Basque Country
Figueroa Lopez, A. (Author), Hernández Minguillón (Supervisor) & Oregi Isasa (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Soluciones innovadoras basadas en manipuladores móviles para el nuevo paradigma de fabricación flexible en el marco de la Industria 4.0
Outón Méndez, J. L. (Author), Sierra Araujo (Supervisor) & Villaverde De La Nava (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Tecnologías de Preformado Aditivo aplicadas a Composites de Altas Prestaciones
Hernandez Murillo, E. (Author), Aramburu (Supervisor) & Elizetxea Ezeiza (Supervisor), 2024Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Maganetic atomic and molecular structures in a superconducting surface
Mier Gonzalez, C. (Author) & Mier Gonzalez, C. (Author), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Stackings and Their Boundaries in Few-Layer Graphene: Stability and Electronic Properties in Bi- and Trilayer Graphene
Guerrero Avilés, R. I. (Author), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Synthese et caractérisation de films de diamant présentant différentes microstructures par plasmas micro-ondes a sources ponctuelles
Mahi, C. (Author), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Obtención de compuestos bioactivos para uso alimentario a partir de microalgas heterotrofas utilizando como fuente de carbono ácidos grasos volátiles
Oliver Garcia, L. (Author), Barrio Diez-Caballero (Supervisor) & Villaran Velasco (Supervisor), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Hyper-heuristic Inspired Methodology for Failure Prediction in the Context of Industry 4.0
Navajas Guerrero, A. (Author), Portillo Pérez (Supervisor) & Manjarres Martinez (Supervisor), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Valorization of white grape pomace: integrated strategies for advanced applications
Diaz Ramirez, J. (Author), Gabilondo Lopez (Supervisor) & Retegui Miner (Supervisor), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Study and optimization of a recycling process for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets at the end of their useful
Checa Fernandez, L. (Author), Martinn Garcia (Supervisor) & Burgos Garcia (Supervisor), 2023Doctoral thesis: Doctoral Thesis